bernie vinzani

Address225 yellow birch road
Postal Code04691
Phone Number2077332472

First interest in hand papermaking process: 1976

First piece of handmade paper: 1976

First handmade paper artwork: 1978

Beginning of active practice: 1978


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bernie's Work in Hand Papermaking:

  1. Artist who uses handmade paper for book arts
  2. Educator or researcher who lectures about hand papermaking
  3. Educator who teaches hand papermaking (any facet)
  4. Production hand papermaker
  5. Writer on topics related to hand papermaking

bernie's Introduction to Hand Papermaking:

  1. An individual

Influences on bernie's Work in Hand Papermaking:

Publications initially important to bernie:

  1. papermaking - the history and technique of an ancient craft : dard hunter
  2. modern papermaking : clapperton

Publications eventually important to bernie:

  1. papermaking - the history and technique of an ancient craft : dard hunter
  2. modern papermaking : clapperton
  3. nagashizuki : barrett
  4. pulp technology and treatment for paper : d'clark

Countries where bernie's studied:

  1. venezuela : invited by the government to set up a paper mill
    1. visit to mill or artist studio
    2. residency

Raw materials used by bernie in Hand Papermaking:

Chemicals used by bernie for cooking fibers in Hand Papermaking:

Used Sometimes
Used Rarely

Tools and methods used by bernie for beating in Hand Papermaking:

Used Routinely
  1. Hollander beater
  2. stamper
Used Sometimes
Used Rarely

Style of sheet forming used by bernie in Hand Papermaking:

Used Sometimes
  1. deckle box
Used Rarely

Years teaching hand papermaking: workshops since 1980 - most recently PBI 2013

Teaching formats used by bernie:

Used Sometimes
  1. demonstrations

bernie's Income Contribution from Hand Papermaking:

  1. some


Hand Papermaking article I wrote about computer generated watermarks.


Just to mention - In Hand Papermaking today the family tree outlined my involvement learning paper from David Erickson who was a student of Lawrence Barker. I then went to Twinrocker to work, moved to Maine with papermaker Katie MacGregor and set up a business making conservation paper. We were part of the conservation papermaking conference held by the Library of Congress. We also made numerous editions for Clair Van Vliet's Janus Press at our shop. Katie continues to make paper in her own mill. I teach papermaking and book arts at the university of Maine at Machias. Thank you for including us in the survey. Bernie Vinzani