Susanne Martin

Address1504 West Market Street
State/ProvinceNorth Carolina
Postal Code27403
Phone Number336-389-1300

First interest in hand papermaking process: 1981

First piece of handmade paper: 1986

First handmade paper artwork: 1986

Beginning of active practice: 1986


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Susanne's Work in Hand Papermaking:

  1. Artist who uses handmade paper for book arts
  2. Artist who uses papermaking for three-dimensional work
  3. Artist who uses papermaking for two-dimensional work
  4. Collector
  5. Educator or researcher who lectures about hand papermaking
  6. Educator who teaches hand papermaking (any facet)
  7. Production hand papermaker

Susanne's Introduction to Hand Papermaking:

  1. An individual

Influences on Susanne's Work in Hand Papermaking:

Publications initially important to Susanne:

  1. Hand Papermaking Magazine : null

Publications eventually important to Susanne:

  1. Hand Papermaking Magazine : null

Countries where Susanne's studied:

Raw materials used by Susanne in Hand Papermaking:

Used Routinely
  1. abaca - purchased fiber
  2. cotton linters - purchased fiber
  3. other fiber : Plant materials that would normally be tilled into the ground (from the farmers at the Greensboro Farmers Market). Also plant fibers from my garden and friend's gardens.
Used Sometimes

Chemicals used by Susanne for cooking fibers in Hand Papermaking:

Used Sometimes
Used Rarely

Tools and methods used by Susanne for beating in Hand Papermaking:

Used Routinely
  1. Hollander beater
Used Sometimes
  1. other : Critter
Used Rarely

Style of sheet forming used by Susanne in Hand Papermaking:

Used Sometimes
Used Rarely

Years teaching hand papermaking: 7

Teaching formats used by Susanne:

Susanne's Income Contribution from Hand Papermaking:

  1. a little


I have a booth at the Greensboro Farmer's Market where I work with the farmers to make paper from their crop leftovers. I give the farmer a stack of sheets and sell the rest in sheets and as content in blank books.

