Ilze Dilane

AddressKudras Iela
Postal CodeLV 1083
Phone Number+37167455690

First interest in hand papermaking process: 2002

First piece of handmade paper: 2005

First handmade paper artwork: 2008

Beginning of active practice: 2008


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Ilze's Work in Hand Papermaking:

  1. Artist who uses handmade paper for book arts
  2. Artist who uses papermaking for two-dimensional work
  3. Educator who teaches hand papermaking (any facet)

Ilze's Introduction to Hand Papermaking:

  1. Other : Papermaking workshop in Danmark

Influences on Ilze's Work in Hand Papermaking:

Publications initially important to Ilze:

  1. The Papermaker's Companion : H. Hiebert
  2. Thr Complete Bokk of Papermaking : J. Asuncion
  3. The Art And Craft of Papermaking: Step-by-Step Instructions for Creating Distinctive Handmade Paper : S. Dawson
  4. Hand Papermaking Magazine : null
  5. Teachinh handpapermaking: A Classroom Guide : Gloria Zmolek Smith

Publications eventually important to Ilze:

  1. Hand Papermaking Magazine : null
  2. The Papermakers Compenion : Helen Hiebert
  3. Papermaking with Garden Plants & Common Weeds : Helen Hiebert

Countries where Ilze's studied:

  1. USA : Beck Whitehead
    1. hands-on workshop
    2. demonstration
  2. Danmark : Yngve Riber
    1. hands-on workshop
    2. demonstration
  3. null : null
  4. null : null

Raw materials used by Ilze in Hand Papermaking:

Used Routinely
  1. cotton rag - fiber prepared in house
  2. other fiber : linen rag fiber prepared in house, iris leaf fiber, hemp fiber
Used Sometimes
  1. abaca - purchased fiber
Used Rarely

Chemicals used by Ilze for cooking fibers in Hand Papermaking:

Used Sometimes
Used Rarely

Tools and methods used by Ilze for beating in Hand Papermaking:

Used Routinely
  1. Hollander beater
Used Sometimes
  1. blender
Used Rarely

Style of sheet forming used by Ilze in Hand Papermaking:

Used Sometimes
Used Rarely
  1. deckle box

Years teaching hand papermaking: 2011 until today

Teaching formats used by Ilze:

Used Routinely
  1. classes
  2. demonstrations
Used Sometimes
  1. workshops
Used Rarely

Ilze's Income Contribution from Hand Papermaking:

  1. a lot


I have studied art from 1985-1989 in Applied art school. Then I studied Painting, Conservation at the Latvian Academy of Art in Riga Latvia. I become very interested in using different mediums and tecniques in my art. That interest led me to the papermaking and pulp painting. That was a very special way to make art and make medium of art.

